high times

((Image of high heeled shoes with weed leaf in talk bubble)) "High Heels"
((Image of a high chair with weed leaf in talk bubble)) "High chair"
((Image of a glass with weed leaf on it)) "High ball glass"
((Image of road with weed leaf in talk bubble)) "High way"
((Image of high jump posts with weed leaf in talk bubble)) "High jump"
((Image of school, tree, and flag with weed leaf in talk bubble)) "High school"
((Image of television with weed leaf in talk bubble)) "High definition television"
((Image of timeline with text "early middle ages" on left and "late middle ages" on right and weed leaf in talk bubble in middle)) "High middle ages"
((Image of a chap with hat and a monocle and two weed leaves for eyebrows)) "Highbrows"